Here are a few sections from the newly-drawn map that will be used for 10MILA 2013. We have asked the course planner for the 10MILA Relay, Ulf Radler, to provide a terrain description for the various sections.
The most obvious feature in this flat, fairly open area is a hunting tower with shooting lanes.High speed is possible and avoiding the marshes may keep your speed up.
Very rocky, from small to very large rocks on the slope down to lake Mälaren. But the map also clearly shows where passability is considerably better.
There are green areas and medium sized hills north-west of the arena. Despite the many contours, the climb is only about 20 metres.
The ravine-like dips in the south-west and the otherwise gentle slope mean the surface is likely to be sandy. Green areas of large spruce and deciduous brushwood are mixed with pine-covered hills and open, flat rocks higher up.