Course |
Course length | Difficulty level | Target group |
ÖM1 |
2,4 km | White | Beginner’s course |
ÖM3 |
3,1km | Yellow | Easy course for youth and adult |
ÖM5 |
2,8 km | Orange | Medium difficulty |
ÖM6 |
4,1 km | Red | Medium difficulty |
ÖM7 |
2,9 km | Blue | Older experienced runners |
ÖM8 |
5,3 km | Black | Training course for 10MILA runners |
ÖM9 |
7,0 km | Black | Training course for 10MILA runners |
ÖM10 |
4,4 km | Black | Experienced runners |
The EOD courses have separate starts and finishes approximately 2,000 metres South of the arena and in a different area to the relay courses.
The arena is at Gällöfsta Herrgård in Upplands-Bro municipality.
Leave the E18 motorway at exit 150 (Brunna) between Stockholm and Enköping. (N 59° 29.769’ E 17° 44.658’). Follow directions towards “Livgardet”. After 2,5 km turn left towards “Gällöfsta” (N 59° 30.83’ E 17° 45.609’). After 500 m follow 10MILA directions.
Registration at the arena. No pre-registration. Fee: SEK 60 for those aged 16 and under; SEK 110 for all other entrants. Rental of a SI card is SEK 30. The cost of an unreturned SI card is SEK 580.
SportIdent. An SI card may only be used once per day. An SI card used in the relay can also be used in the EOD courses.
Scale 1:10,000. Equidistance 2.5 m. Drawn 2012 by Bertil Lundkvist. For the courses ÖM7 and ÖM10 also competition maps in the scale 1:7.500 will be offered.
Terrain type: The competition area is a military training site. The course is characterised by the military presence, with a significant number of roads and paths and several buildings.
Height variation: Moderately hilly terrain.
Runnability: Varying from very good runnability to difficult sections with stony terrain.
Two indistinctive paths that mainly relate to the easiest courses have been marked with white tape.
A constructed path that mainly relates to the easiest courses is marked with red and white plastic tape. This path is marked on all competition maps.
Residential land and the areas marked on the map.
The long course crosses a road. During the competition speed on the road will be limited to 30 km/hour. Show caution when crossing this road.
At the arena:
Friday 3/5, 14.30 – 17.30
Saturday 4/5, 09.00 – 17.30
Maps and separate control descriptions are distributed at registration.
The start and finish are outside the Arena. Follow the orange/white tape 2,000 meters along a gravel road. The road might be busy.
Friday 3/5, 15.00 – 18.00
Saturday 4/5, 09.30 – 18.00
Placing the SI card into the start unit.
Placing the SI card into the finish unit. NB! Card read-off takes place at the registration office/EOD office at the arena.
2.5 hours. Adjust your start time bearing in mind that the finish closes at 20.00. On Saturday officials will start removing controls at that time.
Results lists are posted near the registration office/EOD office at the arena.
Toilets are available at the start/finish for EOD courses.
Showers and first aid are available at the arena. Basic first aid equipment is available at the finish for EOD courses.
Course planner: Jan Bojling, Solna Orienteering Club
Course Controller: Peter Fitger, Solna Orienteering Club
Håkan Sjunnestrand +46 (0)737-26 60 30